Yes. You've got my attention with your beautiful musical ways. I love the piano and the synth and the beat, it's all wonderful. Your musical talent is really up there. I'm glad I heard this today. :)
Yes. You've got my attention with your beautiful musical ways. I love the piano and the synth and the beat, it's all wonderful. Your musical talent is really up there. I'm glad I heard this today. :)
Thank you very much man ;)
I'm loving it
Right when this started, I began bobbing my head. I got into it right away. You used all the right sounds. Wow, you really know what you're doing. I get more impressed with each passing segment. I would love to see this go farther and be used in an awesome flash or to be worked into an actual song with vocals and sweet lyrics. I'm captivated by it, you've done very well here. I applaud you. :D
No prob here with the repetitive drum loop. I've got one of my very own. lol I think it sounds good anyway, it's a drum loop that fits well. I think this piece sounds really dangerous. lol It's got some good emotion in it I can feel. I love the guitar. Great work! :)
Thankyou! I worked really hard on this track when I made it back in '08 it was my first recording with my real instruments and I'll be uploading a bunch more (I've made about 30 tracks in all), thankyou for your vote and review ^_^ made the Micah happy
live or not?
That acoustic guitar sounds really live, but also very precise, is it a really good synth/sample or is it live? And same for the electric guitar. I've never heard the original, but I've gotta this is pretty darn good. My intuition is telling me that the guitars were done live by someone who's very talented, but there are some amazing music technologies out there that sound real. I'm just gonna assume you recorded live guitar and tell you that they're amazing. lol And the piano at the end was great too, and I'm a piano fiend so I know when I hear good piano. :P 10 5
All guitar, bass, electric and acoustic were recorded by me. The drums and synth arranged by me and the piano is synth as well. But yeah, I recorded it all in my bedroom and programmed the drums and piano on computer. Pretty much goes for the entire CD, except for a few songs which I had a friend come in and play the synth parts on keyboard. Thanks for the kind words.
Hey, I use Reason 4 too! I only just started using it about a month ago though. lol I can understand a lot better what you went through to make this since I understand the program layout. You did a really good job on incorporating ambience into this piece. That's something I usually miss out on when I write. The tune is very chill, sounds like the theme you would give to a city at night lit up by the city lights and all the continuous activity going on throughout the night by the city's inhabitants. I like it a lot. If you want to hear my Reason 4 work, the two most recent songs I've posted were made in Reason4 ('cept for the vocals) Great job, and happy birthday!! :) Your b-day gift from me is my 10 and 5 votes.
Thank you for the birthday present, this is only my 4 or 5th week with reason.
Im a past FL user and had been making music for quite some time. I've been making music since I was twelve now this is my 3rd year making music.
Good project idea. I would be hitting you up if I was a busy flash artist, but sadly there's no time for me to be. lol I like to imagine what kind of scene various NG loop musics could be used for, and I think this could be used for a lot of different scenes. Definitely some tension in there, but other than that it's a very versatile loop. Good work on this. :)
Ya know, it's possible to not die. For every little cell's change and destruction, there is a direct cause. If we can eliminate this cause, old age and death can be a thing of the past. Also there are cells that can reproduce faster than they are deteriorated and if we can harness those, then there's another way we can beat death from old age. The more we learn about the world around us, the more we realize what isn't really as unchangeable as we thought.
I agree, just look at Nanotechnology.
I was talking more about the codependant relationship we are destroying with nature, and the monetary system that degrades our progress.
You will know what I mean in my lifetime
I nice solid beat. Good for a small project. Not too much, but enough. Good work. :)
yer a midnighter, couldn't sleep so this is what i came up with. it kinda has sleepy undertones =)
Holy crap it's freaking amazing. I'm in love with this version of Bowser's theme. You've done quite a service providing us with such a rendition. I applaud you immensely. Keep making songs like this, I wanna hear more! XD
Hey, thank you!!
I'll sure keep making songs like this :D
Nice sounding loop for those who need something good they can easily work with. This definitely a useful piece for flash makers.
Thanks man, This one worked really well, I think im getting used to FL8.
Heya, my name is Caleb and I make music and draw and pretend like I can use Flash. Actually I probably could if I used it every once in a while. But I hope that someday I will get down to business and make some good animations and stuff. Enjoy!
Age 37, Male
Purdue University
Hong Kong
Joined on 6/20/06