Heya, my name is Caleb and I make music and draw and pretend like I can use Flash. Actually I probably could if I used it every once in a while. But I hope that someday I will get down to business and make some good animations and stuff. Enjoy!

Age 37, Male


Purdue University

Hong Kong

Joined on 6/20/06

Exp Points:
3,634 / 4,010
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.05 votes
Town Watch
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

Cayler's News

Posted by Cayler - July 5th, 2011

It has been a looong time since I made a news post.
I just want to keep up with NG and help NG keep up with me. So I've been doing some more music stuff this summer and putting more effort into updating the online resources for my work.

In January this year, I sent out PMs to those who had fav'ed me here on NG letting you guys know that I was starting a mailing list and once I had a decent number of replies I went ahead and started it. If you missed it or are hearing for the first time now about it, just send an email to calebharveyfanmail@yahoo.com to get on the list.

I have many many songs ready for your ears to hear that I haven't posted to NG yet, so if you've been enjoying my past music then I recommend you join the mailing list, and I will also send out things to subscribers that I wouldn't post anywhere else. In other words, ** Exclusive Club Membership Benefits!!** hehe

As always, check me out on iTunes under the name "Caleb Harvey". I've only got one single up for now called "Never the Same" but I will have an album eventually. Join the mailing list if you want to be notified as soon as the album comes out. :)

Thank you all for the positive feedback I've gotten on NG and iTunes. It's because of you that I keep going.

Thanks for reading!!!

Links to other sites with my work:

Posted by Cayler - March 3rd, 2010

As always, check me out on iTunes under the name "Caleb Harvey". I've only got one single up for now but I will have an album later this year. :)

So I got interviewed by The Interviewer on Newgrounds recently and I thought it was an interesting thing to do, since I've never been interviewed for anything by anyone before. lol If you're interested in reading the interview, here it is.

Here's a new blog of my work I'm starting up--
The Sound

If you're a first time reader of my posts, the other new songs (covers) I completed over the summer and that are also posted on NG are
Mad World
Never Ending Story ---(Korean) ---Youtube Video Version

Thank you all for the positive feedback I've gotten on NG and iTunes. It's because of you that I keep going.

Off topic, I have a Wii and no friends to play online with. If you have one, my friend code is 2001-2446-1436-7120.

Thanks for reading!!!

Links to other sites with my work:
My Blog

Posted by Cayler - September 23rd, 2009

So basically I'm pretty happy with the response to my recently posted song "Fall" which made it to the Best of the Week category. It's the first of my songs to make it to that status and I want to thank all of you who voted to make that happen. Thank you all so much! :D
Also I'm happy to say that several weeks ago I sent in a musical resume to Island Def Jam Music Group in New York and am waiting patiently for a reply. Wish me luck. Or better yet, let them know if you really would like to someday hear my music on the radio. I'm sure that they would think twice about turning me down for a record deal if someone else speaks on my behalf. ;)

I want to say thank you to all those of you who went to iTunes and purchased my Never The Same single. I hope to soon post other songs on iTunes as well, but I haven't yet because I would prefer to have a full album available rather than individual singles. And I still have yet to accomplish this task. :P

I will be posting more new material every week for several weeks so stay tuned if you want to hear more!

Here's a new blog of my work I'm starting up--
The Sound

If you're a first time reader of my posts, the other new songs (covers) I completed over the summer and that are also posted on NG are
Mad World
Never Ending Story ---(Korean) ---Youtube Video Version

Thank you all for the positive feedback I've gotten on NG and iTunes. It's because of you that I keep going.

Off topic, I have a Wii and no friends to play online with. If you have one, my friend code is 2001-2446-1436-7120.

Thanks for reading!!!

Links to other sites with my work:
My Blog
UnsignedThe SoundThe Sound

Posted by Cayler - August 14th, 2009

I'm sorry to all those of you who have been waiting for new original material from me, I've actually been completing quite a bit but not posting it on NG for various reasons. Although I have considered posting my new material just for the hell of it so I might end up doing that and seeing how well they fare. But I'm happy to say that a couple weeks ago I sent in a musical resume to Island Def Jam Music Group in New York and am waiting patiently for a reply. Wish me luck.

I want to say thank you to all those of you who went to iTunes and purchased my Never The Same single. I've gotten royalty payments twice since it's been up and I was surprised to see some come from Europe! If you're reading this whoever that was, thank you! I feel great to have international interest. lol

Since my last post, I have completed the following new songs-

Fall (remake)
All The Music (remake)
Only Heart (remake)
You Came To Me (all new)

All of which can be heard here

If you're a first time reader of my posts, the other new songs (covers) I completed over the summer and that are also posted on NG are
Mad World
Never Ending Story ---(Korean) ---Youtube Video Version

Thanks to all the positive feedback I've gotten on NG and iTunes, I'm considering posting more new material to both Ng and iTunes. :)

Off topic, I have a Wii and no friends to play online with. If you have one, my friend code is 2001-2446-1436-7120.

Thanks for reading!!!

Links to other sites with my work:
My Blog

Posted by Cayler - May 20th, 2009

Update July-25th: I've just finished redoing Only Heart and I just posted in on my Myspace page. If you're a fan of the previous version, check out the new one! :)

Hey all,
I'm hard at work on getting more and more music done in hopes of finally submitting a package to a record company for consideration. I sure hope things go well for me! If you want to hear my remake of 'All the Music' you can find it at my Myspace link at the bottom of this post. But in other news, I have one of my previous songs on iTunes! If you're a kind soul who would like to help out a starving artist, search 'Caleb Harvey' on iTunes and buy it pleeze!! I'll be perfectly honest to those of you who haven't been to my NG page before, the song that's on iTunes for 99 cents (Never the Same) is on my NG profile for free download. But think of it as a sort of donation opportunity if you're a fan of the song or just a really nice person. :P

Thanks for reading!!!

Links to other sites with my work:
My Blog

Posted by Cayler - March 30th, 2009

I have just posted a duet of Mandi (LadyArsenic) and myself (Cayler) performing 'Somewhere Out There'. If you are a follower of either her or my music, check this one out. It's quite a good vocal performance from both of us and our voices blend really nicely in harmony. The music is also a production of mine so everything you'll hear is originally created for this duet. I'm glad to have worked with her, and I hope we will do more collaborations/duets in the future. :)

Update April 11:
I have just finished remaking my song "Fall". However I may not be posting it to NG. I have put it on my Myspace page if you want to take a listen. I also may be posting a short clip of it on NG just to let people know it's there. You can access my Myspace page by the link at the bottom of this news post.

Links to other sites with my work:
My Blog

Posted by Cayler - March 22nd, 2009

Hey everybody, I've been getting into the collaborating mood lately. There are several artists with whom I am currently entangled with collaborations, and one with whom I just completed a collaborated piece. The recently finished song is an 8bit version of my original work, Never The Same. The artist who made the 8bit was Exactly33. You should check out the other works by this great NG 8bit artist. The collaboration can be listened to here.
As for the other collabs currently in the making, those are secrets which will reveal themselves in the near future, so keep your eyes peeled for those, for they will arrive on NG very soon.
-Brief Hint- One of them is actually a vocal performance duet, but I can't say more than that! It's a secret!! ;]

Update: Sorry I forgot to mention this when I first posted this, but I regret to inform you all that I will no longer be posting any new original pieces to NG. I will continue posting covers and collabs, but I can't afford to post original material anymore. When I made the decision to post initially, I was hoping for some good feedback, which I got immediately. Two consecutive songs of mine made front page, first 7th place then 2nd (Fall and All The Music). However, because of all that promotion, I attracted a lot of unwanted attention from the league of zero bombers. It became impossible for me to reach front page, no matter how high any subsequent song was voted by the competent public.

Only Heart was the next song to follow which received stunningly positive reviews, but couldn't maintain a high score. After 40 reviews, the average review score was 10/10 all perfect, but the voted score was the lowest of all my submissions (that required a lot of zero bombers). The song was incredibly viral receiving several thousand plays by word of mouth transfer alone and popping up in numerous youtube videos, facebook and myspace profiles, and a flash game on NG, but never made it to front page. I continued posting new pieces hoping that another one could reach front page or even the top 5, but it never happened.

I recently posted a remake of an original piece and watched closely how the score changed over time, and by doing this it became clear to me that my songs had all the potential needed but also a very large number of jealous enemies, or just plain retards. The voters gave nothing but 5's and the moment the rank was displayed for my song, it was set at #6 all ready for the front page. But I continued watching and sure enough within a few hours the score began to drop drastically from numerous votes without a single review given to explain why, and by the next morning my song was ranked somewhere in the 14,000s. Not only that song got mutilated, but my others did too. All four recent songs displayed on my page received just as much zeros and dropped lower than any other song I've ever posted to NG.

But I'm not complaining, I've had plenty of exposure here on NG and I'm thankful to those who appreciate my work, but when I post new material I'm losing some important rights to the music that could cost me a lot of time, effort, and even potential revenue. Had my works gotten exposure on this site, it would have been worth it to post them. But now I'm too far behind to make up for what I've lost here, so I can't afford to post new material anymore. If things had been different then I could have continued to post, but this is just the way the cookie crumbled.

But if you still want to hear my future work, I will be posting updates about my progress and links to places where you can still find the music to listen to. Once I get the album complete, I will do everything I can to put all the tracks up on iTunes so you can keep up that way.

This isn't good bye, but more of a limited access situation. But still it feels a little sad that I can't share everything with you guys anymore.

Links to other sites with my work:
My Blog

Posted by Cayler - March 7th, 2009

I just posted a new song today. It's called "LikeEverybodyElse". I'm gradually getting to the point where I've got enough music to finalize an album and have something real completed. Frankly I have more than enough songs and song ideas but there's a lot that still needs to be remastered and all that work that comes along with making music. But if you're interested in hearing the new song and giving some feedback, I'd be very happy to hear what you think.

And I mean what you really think, not what you post just to take up space on somebody else's page. I get a lot of good comments and reviews, and to those people, thank you for being honest and helpful. But I also get tons of useless stuff too. There are a lot of people on Newgrounds who take nothing seriously and kinda make me want to pack up my things and leave this site. When I post new songs, (the one I just posted for example) I refresh the song page only after about 30 seconds of it being on NG and somebody has already bombed it with a zero. 30 seconds isn't long enough to even develop an opinion about the song. But then other people come around and vote with an honest opinion and that makes the situation better so that's the only reason I'm still here, because there are still people on NG who care about anything.

Sorry for the rant, I'm sure if you actually read this then you deserve a thankyou because you are likely a person who gives honest responses. :) Thanks for readin'

And the pic is something I randomly did with a sharpie a few weeks ago, just for fun. You should try it too sometime.

Song is out!

Posted by Cayler - February 14th, 2009

So I'm back from Japan and South Korea, I've been back since Jan 11th. The pic I included is a soda that my friend bought while we were there and I obviously had to take a picture. On the other side of the can is Sephiroth too. It was a great trip. I'll be going back to teach English in 2010 if things go as planned. As for my music, I have so many very good songs just standing at the finish line waiting to be completed and posted here on Newgrounds. I can't wait to get them done, except school is stealing all my free time so it's hard to get stuff done like this. But I'll be breaking from college for a while to get some money and also work on music to see where that takes me. If I can make it in any career related to music, I'll definitely do it and change all my plans of going to Japan before finishing my degree. So for those of you who are fans of my work, this summer should be the time to watch for new music coming from me, cause I'll be working on music like never before, completing my album and even doing music videos and stuff. It's gonna be great.

I have started a new blog to summarize all the music and other things I do here

Back from Japan and Korea, doing more music.

Posted by Cayler - December 21st, 2008

I'm gonna be gone from Newgrounds for the next three weeks starting tomorrow. I'll be leaving from Chicago airport in the morning, headed to Seoul, South Korea for the winter vacation. I'll also be going to Japan for 4 days during my time abroad. I freaking can't wait. I went to China 4 years ago, but that's the only traveling abroad I've ever done before this. See y'all in 3 weeks!!
Here's a vid of me to watch while I'm gone. :P

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